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Upload Positions to a Portfolio

A guided workflow to upload historic or mock position data from CSV, or Excel data files.

Edgar Nuñez avatar
Written by Edgar Nuñez
Updated over a week ago

Customers can populate their portfolio with position data. Head over to the home screen and click on the settings menu in the top right of the target resource -- portfolio, basket, or watchlist -- and select  “Upload Positions.”

If there are no resources, learn how to create a portfolio in the Portfolio Operations article.

Uploading position data is a multi-step process. Each step is there to ensure each position is validated, providing useful error messages when things go awry.

File Selection and Column Validation
In this first step, begin by drag-n-dropping excel (.xlsx) or comma-separated-values (.csv) files into the upload container. The files will appear to the right.  Any file with a different format will be rejected.

Clicking on scan will run the files through a validation process, ensuring that each file includes at minimum the following 3 required pieces of information:

  • Date

  • Identifier -
    For equities, provide SEDOLs (recommended) or Ticker + Mic
    For currencies, provide currencies using their ISO 4217 3-letter currency code
    Other asset types, like Fixed Income or Commodities, are currently not supported

  • Economic exposure - the position size in USD.

These columns, as well as optional columns, are described in our support article on Common Portfolio Format.

Data Preview and Data Validation
In the second step, Omega Point offers summary information for the uploaded data based on what the file scan was able to recognize.

The tabs at the top represent three important ways to preview the data before uploading:

  • Scan Summary: Lists high level data for the date range found in the files. Includes the option to either delete all previously uploaded data or only overwrite data on the dates provided in the newly uploaded files.  

  • Coverage Report: Here are details on how well the model covers the securities for the dates that were uploaded. 

  • Unmapped Securities:These are securities where the scan was unable to recognize the security. This commonly happens when an incorrect identifier is included in the file. 

Use this information to update the uploaded files and re-scan them until the data accurately represents the positions in the files.

Complete the Upload Process
Once the files are ready for uploading, click on the upload button and wait while the data is uploaded. There is no cancellation after clicking on “upload” so ensure the data and settings are correct.

 When the upload kicks off, you'll receive a message in the new notification widget in the top-right of the screen and receive another message when the upload is complete.

As a portfolio is uploaded, or encounters an error, the notification will display relevant actions to take to help facilitate your uploads.

While one portfolio is being uploaded, it is possible to kickoff new uploads for other portfolios.

We hope this interface makes it easy to upload portfolios into the Omega Point platform.

Automatic Daily Uploading?
For portfolios that require daily uploads, we recommend connecting with our customer success team to help facilitate automatic FTP uploads.

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