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Portfolio Operations

Create portfolios, upload positions, manage portfolio metadata, and portfolio deletion.

Edgar Nuñez avatar
Written by Edgar Nuñez
Updated over 4 years ago

Customers can easily add, edit, and delete portfolios from the Portfolio Home Screen (accessed by clicking on the Omega Point logo in the top-left corner).

Creating a portfolio is the first step before Uploading Position to a Portfolio.

Add Portfolio

To begin, click on "+" in the top-right corner to add a new portfolio to the account.

Provide a name that is between 3-50 characters long and that does not include any special characters. Only alphanumerical, _ (underscores), and spaces are allowed.

Set a risk model, a description, and select if you would like positions to rollover to the current data (in the case of portfolios that do not have any current date information). More information in the below section.

After creating a portfolio, you have the option to upload positions through a UI upload wizard.

Once a portfolio has been added, the portfolio appears in the list of portfolios.

Edit Portfolio

Portfolio metadata can be edited by clicking on the setting menu and selecting "Edit."

Portfolio operations include

  • Editing a portfolio's name

  • Viewing the portfolio's alias - This unique ID is useful to customers who would like to access the portfolio using the API.

  • Changing the portfolio's risk model - Any model the account has access to can be used to re-evaluate the portfolio. All data is re-calculated and can be viewed instantly. (Note that some securities may not be covered in another model).

  • Rollover positions - This will take the last uploaded position data and carry that information forward to the model's current date.

  • Deleting a Portfolio - Remove this portfolio and all associated position data from the Omega Point platform.

  • Uploading positions

Upload positions

Uploading Position Data from a CSV, Excel file - Guided walk through that scans a file for position data and validates information against the currently selected risk model. More information can be found in the Upload Positions to a Portfolio article.

Delete Portfolio

From the portfolio's settings menu, a portfolio can be deleted from the account and have all data associated with the portfolio removed from the Omega Point platform.

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